Blockchain Infinity AMA Recap — 28 Aug 2020
On 28th of August 2020, our CCO Markos Romanos was a guest of Blockchain Infinity community and had a live AMA session hosted by the administrator of the channel, Kien.
The participation was great as were most of the questions that were answered by Markos.
The following lines offer a recap of the entire session, which lasted almost two hours.
Segment 1: Introduction
Kien: Good day everyone, we will have our AMA session with Pylon Network today. Welcome to Blockchain Infinity chat @MarkosD Kindly introduce yourself to us.
Markos Romanos: Hi everyone! It’s a great pleasure to be here.
My name is Markos Romanos I’m the CCO of Pylon Network ( and the admin of our Telegram community (@pylonnetworkofficialtelegram).
Before starting, here is an introduction to the project and some aspects that I would like to highlight.
Pylon Network’s vision is to digitalize the energy sector to make it simple and transparent for everyone. The team’s mission is to enable any energy player to offer personalized digital services with minimal interactions for consumers and energy businesses alike.
We have developed our blockchain technology to design a decentralized database for energy data (Neutral Energy Data Hub) to facilitate and accelerate digitalization of the energy sector and the energy transition.
We are following a bottom up approach, working with the protagonists of the future energy systems: us, the consumers. This — and the fact that we test and implement our solutions and business models with the real market and consumers — is what differentiates us from other energy projects.
We can only tell you that we are a young and ambitious team that is really going to change the way the energy market is conceived.
We have already been able to demonstrate it with our first services and we will continue with our ambition to bring collective self-consumption to all Spanish and Portuguese consumers in the first phase and after dominating our niche market, we will expand to the more use cases and markets.
We are always focused on creating business models, which can offer real value on the customer side, because it is the customer and the market the only ones who can validate the business models.
Our mission is to make the customers happy because in the way we see and understand business this is the best way to make our investors happy, too!
So let’s roll.. Looking forward to answering your questions!
Kien: Awesome, Thank you for that introduction about yourself Markos.
So, could we move forward into our 1st segment now?
Markos Romanos: Sure.
Kien: Great!
Question #1:
What is Pylon Network?
Markos Romanos: Pylon Network has developed a blockchain that is fast, secure, scalable and has minimal energy requirements — designed to be the digital communication platform in the energy sector. This platform will enable increased participation of distributed assets in the energy markets in order to transmit data efficiently, track and certify the source of energy, and enhance customer engagement, including provision of new Digital Energy Services (also referred to as DES).
Pylon Network’s vision is to digitalize the energy sector to make it simple for everyone. The team’s mission is to enable any energy player to offer personalized digital services with minimal interactions for consumers and energy businesses alike.
Pylon Network’s mission is to make the energy sector simple and transparent, and it is shaped by the three (3) insights that we have validated from our implementation efforts and interactions with energy stakeholders.
- There is a blue ocean for innovative tools, services and platforms that address to (the real needs of) the final consumer.
- The market is the only deciding factor for the ability of a business model to offer value — not the investors. And for the long-run, this is for the benefit of the investors, too. This is a realization that we have fully adopted and that guides us in our decision-making.
- The tech is not the most important element in the successful outcome of the implementation of the project. It is important for the scalability potential but it does not guarantee (on its own) the traction and market fit of the business.
The value of Pylon Network will be epitomised by Pylon Token (PYLNT) and Pyloncoin (PYLNC). PYLNT will serve as ownership of the blockchain infrastructure (i.e. Federated Nodes), responsible for its security and decentralization, whereas PYLNC becomes the true utility representing the value of user energy data stored on the Pylon blockchain (hereby referred to as Pylon Neutral Data Hub or Pylon NDH).
Kien: Great, much interesting. People should get to know more about Pylon Network!! Seems so promising.
Question #2:
How do you manage Pylon Network for being an Energy-Wise Blockchain Platform?
Markos Romanos: Energy-Wise has a double meaning:
First of all it is designed specifically for the energy sector which is a very peculiar sector with heavy regulations, inflexible, and monopolized (regulated) infrastructure. And its digitalization has many barriers and specificities that is tricky to navigate around. So this is the one aspect.
The other is the very low demand on energy that is achieved with our blockchain architecture (the federated nodes and the Proof of Cooperation (PoC). Which of course is a very important aspect of blockchains when we are to talk about their scalability (and environmental impact)
Kien: Great, thank you for that. Lets go for the 3rd question.
Question #3:
Can you explain why we needed Pylon Network’s Blockchain?
Markos Romanos: Sure.
The first validated use case that we have identified is the use case of Collective Self-Consumption (from now on CSC), which falls within the range of Local Energy Communities (sharing a common Renewable Installation at a local level).
The CSC use case requires communication among various stakeholders of the energy sector (consumers, investors, energy suppliers, system operators etc.), allowing them to exchange information and cooperate without frictions (even though their interests might not be aligned, be competitors etc.).
Now, in the digital era, this information is data — and to be more precise — electricity consumption and production data.
Pylon Network applies its blockchain technology to create a Neutral Energy Data Hub for these kind of data, serving the CSC use case as our first use case.
We have made an explanatory video series on our YouTube channel, and can be found here:
And this is only the beginning, since this market is the hottest energy niche right now and we are also exploring and validating other use cases, too.
Kien: Alright, thank you for answering my questions Markos. Are you ready to proceed into our next segment?
Markos Romanos: Yes let’s do it!
Segment 2: Questions from Twitter
Question #1 From: @Ale_Urich
How does the PoC implemented in Pylon work? Which miner gets the reward if there is no competition but cooperation? Is it distributed evenly?
Markos Romanos: PoC(cooperation) works between federated nodes that have been approved by the network.
The nodes are selected in a “round robin” fashion (one at a time) to validate the coming block (every 20 seconds).
And yes, the distribution is even among all federated nodes.
More info can be found in our token paper.
And please note that an updated version will be released very soon.
Kien: Awesome! Thank you for that Markos!
Question #2 From: @ahpampsn
Pylon Network has several partnerships with energy companies that carry out a series of projects. Please, mention three progress that the project pylon has already made to reduce the emission of fossil energy?
Markos Romanos: Pylon Network applies its blockchain technology to create a Neutral Energy Data Hub for energy data, serving the Collective Self-Consumption (CSC) use case as our first validated use case.
Pylon Network has also incorporated PylonData, which is building a range of Digital Energy Services (DES) and is developing the use case operations in the energy sector.
PylonData is the leg that develops digital energy services within the ecosystem of Pylon Network — i.e. digital tools that interact with the blockchain infrastructure (Neutral Energy Data Hub) and is offering already commercial services to Spanish municipalities and companies that interact directly with final consumers.
Regarding the impact that we have had with these services, I am sharing a couple of links (sorry they are in Spanish), which explain how we have helped municipalities save resources (and money) for their administrations and their citizens.
(Also note that PylonData is generating revenues which is how the project is funded. More info about PylonData and our partners/customers can be found in our website:
Kien: Great, thank you for sharing those Informations.
Question #3 From: @jack_cole699
Are there upcoming events like webinars, seminars or congresses where the Pylon team will present their business cases? What is the agenda for the coming months regarding informing customers about the products to be launched?
Markos Romanos: Yes! We are actually planning a webinar on the topic of Collective Self-Consumption in Spain, which is also the validated use case for our blockchain technology and the niche market we will dominate.
Until the end of the year we have a very exciting schedule with an announcement of a new self-consumption installation joining our platform and the launch of our MainNet begin the two highlights (and what we are really excited about!)
More information (all our milestones and more details for each one) can be found in our recent blog post, here:
Kien: Great.
Question #4 From: @IndriyaniSella
In your opinion, should traditional companies apply blockchain? How can traditional companies be integrated into the blockchain, so what are your plans for traditional companies that continue to exist with their own systems?
Markos Romanos: That is a great question and very relevant to the energy sector.
The short answer I would say is that traditional companies can apply blockchain in their operations, however, a necessary requirement is that they are not traditional in their mindset.
The market signals are clear and so are the regulations, so the companies that wish to change their mentality and adapt to the new reality will have a reason and a place within a blockchain ecosystem. The rest will not. And unfortunately, the hype of blockchain and crypto has led many projects fall into that trap…
So for us, it is not a matter of whether they continue in their own systems, but whether they are willing to cooperate and can see the blue ocean of business models that can arise when shifting the energy market from a top-down approach, to a more consumer-centric, bottom-up approach where the focus is on delivering value to the end consumers.
This is what we have been doing since the beginning of the project and we are more than willing to work with traditional companies that are aligned with our view and vision.
Kien: Great, alright so this will be the last question for this segment.
Question #5 From: @Osh_941
How can Pylon Network motivate the consumer of energy to help save both money and resources? What does PLYNT token use in the network? How would this be of interest to the energy consumer?
Markos Romanos: So regarding the motivation and engagement of the consumer, this has become the Holy Grail of the energy sector as we go through the energy transition to distributed energy systems (aka. the rise of the prosumers).
We have been working closely with consumers since the beginning of the project. Through this experience we have understood many valuable things about how to engage them.
What consumers really want is simplicity and minimal interactions. Of course they care about saving money, but it needs to be convenient, simple, easy to understand and execute.
So our strategy to motivate consumers is simple: being obsessed with offering value, understanding their real needs and delivering simple but impactful services with minimal interactions. And we think that the only way that can lead to adoption is prioritizing the market and the needs of our customers.
Now, regarding the PYLNT (and PYLNC) I offered some introduction earlier.
The PYLNT receives the value of being a stakeholder of Pylon Network’s Neutral Data Hub (NDH). In other words, the value of owning a federated node, which in turn will be receiving rewards in PYLNC (the utility coin of Pylon Network).
The PYLNC — on the other hand — will act as “gas” for the transactions between the NDH and the Digital Energy Services (DES) that operate on top of it. The PYLNC receives the value of the energy data that is stored in the NDH of Pylon Network.
So, even though this might not be of interest to the consumer (directly), it is of interest to energy stakeholders (companies, municipalities, electricity suppliers etc.) that interact with the final consumers and their energy data are of value to their operations.
Hence they are interested in being a stakeholder, either as a federated node (that receive 80% of the PYLNC rewards) or as a PYLNT holder (that receive 20% of the PYLNC rewards).
However, the consumers still benefit down the road, from the added value services that they can receive from these stakeholders and share their data in a simple, fast way AND without sacrificing their privacy or security.
Segment 3: Questions from the Community
Kien: Alright, thank you for answering those questions Markos.
Are you ready to answer some community questions?
Markos Romanos: My pleasure. Sure let’s do it.
Kien: Great!
Kien: Alright! Thank you for those questions guys! Lets give Markos some time to answer some good questions.
Markos Romanos: Wow! What a participation. Yes, I really appreciate that.
Round 1 of Community Questions:
Q1 From: @Ketz23
DeFi is one of the hottest topic in the blockchain space right now. Can “Pylon Network” share your opinions on DeFi with us?
Do you think that DeFi will disrupt the existing financial system?
Markos Romanos: Yes, there is a lot of hype on this matter indeed. To be honest as with everything in crypto I follow it with caution. The potential is there no doubt, however, there are always issues that have to do with regulations, infrastructure ownership, interoperability with traditional systems etc. that can be critical barriers — and it’s up to the innovators and the community to overcome them.
So I definitely think that it can disrupt the financial system, but I think the more patience will be needed.
Q2 From: @ruhel00786
“Empowering the end user”by helping them save money & energy. Can you can please elaborate this how it will save money and enery?
Markos Romanos: We do that in many ways. But, staying only on our use case of CSC, we help communities share a common renewable installation (solar panels). Pylon Network helps the management of the installation, it optimizes and simplifies its operation and the communication between multiple stakeholders (as I explained before).
In this way, the consumers consumer their own local energy (which is cheaper than the one buying from the grid), the operator of the plan reduces its costs, and the owners of the plant can achieve higher prices for the generated electricity by selling it locally than selling it to the grid.
I tried to simplify it as much as possible, but for more details you can check the YouTube playlist that we have created:
Q3 From: @nguyenben
Besides PYLNT, Pylon will release PYLNC with Mainnet, what is PYLNC token? Why does Pylon need existing 2 tokens?
Markos Romanos: PYLNC will act as a gas for the transactions between the Neutral Data Hub of Pylon Network (NDH) and the services that operate on top of it. Therefore, it receives the value of the energy data itself that is stored in the NDH of Pylon Network.
In Pylon Network, the participants in the network (the nodes that validate blocks and carry a copy of all transactions) are the so-called Federated Nodes; the FN receive their reward in Pyloncoins $PYLNC — the native coin in Pylon Network. Anyone can become a FN in Pylon Network by staking Pylon Token $PYLNT — representing the (asset) ownership of the FN.
Q4 From: @drzy16
There are 5 common core issues in technology today which is: scalability, security, interoperability, speed and privacy. So How does Pylon tackle these problems?
Markos Romanos: In few words (since I need to speed that up:)):
- The blockchain architecture: Federated Nodes + PoC → scalability, speed and security.
- Open source blockchain core → Interoperability and avoiding the barrier of technology lock-in.
Q5 From: @Tai1304040
What is the final goal in 2020 that you and this project want to achieve? Do you have any plans to help the project be listed on the largest exchanges today?
What is the most prominent feature that the project brings to attract users and investors?
Markos Romanos: Our main focus until the end of the year is the launch of MainNet, with several milestones before that, as explained here:
With the accomplishment of this milestone we will be in a very strong position with a demonstrated technology, use case and business model. This, for us, is the key for offering value and attracting users and investors alike.
Q6 From: @Lopez143
What features or improvements are you planning to add to your products in the near future?
Markos Romanos: Please check our roadmap:
and our latest blog post:
Q7 From: @armahes
What is your strategy for attracting new users to the Pylon Network, Security/Privacy feature should be the top priority for any organization?
Markos Romanos: The strategy is what I mentioned before, and is very simple: offering value to consumers, by listening to their needs and be only market-driven in our decision-making. Technology on its own means nothing if the consumer cannot see value in it.
About the security /Privacy I totally agree. This is the top priority for us.
Q8 From: @awesomedivya
As I am investor, can you explain some of the unique feature of Pylon project so that I choose Pylon Project over its other competetive projects for investment purpose?
Markos Romanos: — Our bottom up approach: We are focusing on the blue ocean of digital services that address to the needs of the final consumer.
- We are validating our business models with the market: how it is currently shaped and how it will evolve in the future. We apply business models that are validated by the market and are applicable today.
- Blockchain designed for the energy sector — high speeds and scalability combined with negligible energy demand
- No added hardware (meters) needed — able to access all utility meters in ESP (~28M) and the “official” hourly consumption data used for billing purposes. At the same time, we can integrate and access the production data, from any RE installation and/or batteries.
- Validated the replicability of the model in other EU countries — namely, Portugal & France.
- Avoid dependency on 3rd parties and other blockchains (e.g. Ethereum)
GDPR-compliant — End consumers are in control of their data.
- Fully open-source and open-standards infrastructure, able to accommodate data from all kinds of sources and stakeholders.
- First movers in Spain — energy data accessibility and collective self-consumption.
Q9 From: @Jhonathanch
According to the energy transition, what are the specific problems that Pylon Network wants to solve in order to obtain a better self-consumption in the energy market? Thank you!
Why is it important in the energy transition to include Blockchain? I mean, how does the Pylon Network project improve the energy sector and what is the role of the Pylon token on it? Thank you!
Markos Romanos: The CSC use case requires communication among various stakeholders, allowing them to exchange information and cooperate without frictions (even though their interests might not be aligned, be competitors etc.).
Now, in the digital era, this information is data — and to be more precise — electricity consumption and production data.
Pylon Network applies its blockchain technology to create a Neutral Energy Data Hub for these kind of data, serving the CSC use case as our first use case. In the NDH the consumers are in full control of their own data.
We have made an explanatory video series on our Youtube channel, and can be found here:
Q10 From: @Aleurich
To use the Pylon blockchain and integrate into the energy system, is it necessary to buy any additional equipment or pay for an app?
Markos Romanos: No additional hardware is needed. And there is no cost for the consumer in any other way.
Q11 From: @Spott
Can you explain CSC — Collective Self Consumption?
What’s the Use Case and Utilities of Pylon Network?
Markos Romanos: See previous answers.
We have made an explanatory video series on our Youtube channel, and can be found here:
Q12 From: @Nirob17
How do you plan to spread awareness about your project in different countries where English is not spoken well?
Do you have local communities for the them to let them better understand about your project?
Markos Romanos: Yes we have a number of international communities:
All can be found in the pinned message of our official TG channel:
Q13 From: @Mohitku1
How does Pylon benefit the energy sector? Why is a cryptocurrency necessary in this sector?
Markos Romanos: The CSC use case requires communication among various stakeholders, allowing them to exchange information and cooperate without frictions (even though their interests might not be aligned, be competitors etc.).
Now, in the digital era, this information is data — and to be more precise — electricity consumption and production data.
Pylon Network applies its blockchain technology to create a Neutral Energy Data Hub for these kind of data, serving the CSC use case as our first use case.
Therefore, PYLNT is needed to represent the ownership/participation of the Neutral Energy Data Hub — and it can either be staked for becoming a node (and receiving 80% of PYLNC rewards) or just hold it and receive 20% of the PYLNC rewards.
Q14 From: @erven12
One of your twitter post said that
“Digitization is the key and we are strategically positioning ourselves in this space”
Can you explain
What does it mean?
Markos Romanos: Yes of course,
Digitization of the sector is key for being able to manage and integrate many distributed resources in our energy systems. Only in this way, there can be the cooperation and innovation that is needed to make such a big shift of our systems.
Pylon Network is a NDH which is specifically designed for accommodating this digitization by placing the protagonists of the future (consumers and local energy community) at the center.
And this is the strategic position, since we also have a use case and business model validated with the real market.
I will have to speed things up so I will answer 2–3 more questions that I find most relevant and we can maybe have a second short round @extreme2322?
Kien: We will be having 2nd round guys once Markos done answering. So get your questions ready.
Q15 From: @mrbitcoi
The financial markets, cryptos market… all fell due to the covid-19 epidemic. Does this affect your project development plan?
Markos Romanos: We are lucky to be on the digital world and not the analogue, which is not really affected by the pandemic and the restrictions. On the contrary COVID has accelerated the digitalization in all sectors including the energy sector.
Q16 From: @K2ice
Why do you think the bottom up approach really differentiate Pylon Network from other energy projects?
Markos Romanos: we are working bottom-up, acquiring invaluable insights from the final consumers and the companies that interact with them, directly and daily (not only when it s time to pay the bill).
So even though, one could argue that the bottom up approach might be slower, we are moving faster and inside the blue ocean of local energy communities and local energy planning, where the final consumer is the protagonist. (validating with the end consumers).
So I would say that our competitive advantages in having the B-up approach are:
- We are the first movers in CSC, dominating the market and we are focused on the validation of business model for the market.
- We are not developing the solution for a corporation. But for the market.
- We are working together with the new protagonists of the energy market: the consumers and local communities.
Q17 From: @ineed688btc
What are the ways that Pylon generates profits/revenue to maintain your project and what is its revenue model? How can it make benefit win-win to both invester and your project ?
Markos Romanos: This was also answered before (search for “PylonData”).
Q18 From: @Dmsaly14
I am an Ethical Hacker and Experienced Developer, do you have plans for hackathon so as to check the security of your ecosystem periodically and also invite developers to build?
Markos Romanos: Yes, we do and already anyone can install and test the blockchain (testnet) in our Github page: → PYLNC
What are the major milestones you have achieved so far?
Markos Romanos: Check here:
Q20 From: @Ahmad_T2
As currently you operating your project in spain! So, what are your plan for global expansion, are you focusing only on one market or focus on building global expansion of Pylon?
Markos Romanos: We have already validated the replicability of our infrastructure and tools in other EU countries, which is where we are focusing at the moment due to the harmonization in regulations across the EU.
We have already validated France, Portugal and Italy. We are currently evaluating the German market, too.
These markets have many similarities with the Spanish market (infrastructure, regulations and market size) and is where our focus is for the time being.
Q21 From: @naughtyloli
As a project with a strong community, what supports do you need from we members? How can we help Pylon Network?
Markos Romanos: Join our channel and let’s find the way!
We are always looking for fresh ideas, initiatives and cooperation :)
Q22 From: @user235711
Can other service providers build on the PYLNC blockchain to provide services based on the stored data? Have such service providers shown interest already? What type of service?
Markos Romanos: Yes! That’s exactly why Pylon NDH is open source and scalable/fast.
At the moment we are the only ones who are developing services, which are demonstrated and are on-boarding consumers and organizations alike. These first services are developed by PylonData and are already generating revenues. More info can be found here:
Q23 From: @Hirew
Many of investors care about early price of token, how is the PYLNT to prevent early investors from selling their token and what benefit will PYLNT give to them?
Markos Romanos: Regarding that you can check our updated tokenomics here:
And join our channel to discuss more and answer any questions you might have.
Q24 From: @toanphamhd
Due to the rise in Ethereum’s transaction fees, has the team thought about switching to another blockchain? (Which cross-chain solutions Pylon Network will use? Why Pylon Network choose to build on Ethereum first?)
Markos Romanos: While PYLNT is built on Ethereum, PYLNC (and the NDH) is built on an own blockchain specifically designed for the energy sector and its application as a neutral energy data hub.
More info can be found on our token paper and on out GitHub page.
I think I will stop here since I have tried to answer all the topics addressed in all the questions.
Some of them are repeated or are on the same topic.
Kien: Awesome.
So, should we do the 2nd round now?
Markos Romanos: Yes let’s do it.
Kien: Alright! Your turn @MarkosD!
Round 2 of the Community Questions
Q25 From: @Jhonathanch
What’s the meaning of the name Pylon? Could you tell us it’s background? And also who chose this name? Thank you!
Markos Romanos: Pylons are the big structures that carry the big electricity cables (the ones that run along highways). The are the backbone of our electricity systems.
In the same way Pylon and the NDH is the foundation of the DIGITAL energy infrastructure.
Q26 From: @Dev30000
What is your strategy to marketing and for mass adoption? What message do you want to send to community through AMA today?
Could you please briefly explain about the top milestones that PYLON aims to execute before the end of 2020?
Markos Romanos: The milestones have already been explained — see here.
The message I would like to give is that we are a young and ambitious team that is really going to change the way the energy market is perceived by our society.
We are building our project by being realists, honest with our community, and avoiding short-term hypes. We are driven by value and impact.
Q27 From: @tv100029
What is the algorithm used by Pylon Network? What does it solve the problem of blockchain system? How do you manage the algorithm and operate it?
Markos Romanos: More info can be found on our github page (see here:
and our token paper, see here.
Q28 From: @Albert3990
Im a trader for ten years, and doing a technical analysis I see in the graphics pylnt in a down trend. About it, what the team is doing to pylnt grow up and increase value to holders?
Markos Romanos: As I said our priority has always been to offer value to our customers and the market. This will also bring the value to our investors, and it the most sustainable value creation, compared to other gains of value in the crypto space.
We remain very committed to that and we believe that with the launch of MainNet, the release of the Whitelist for the first Federated Nodes of Pylon Network and the announcement of our CSC project before the end of the year, I believe that will start reversing this trend.
Q29 From: @Oreza1
Trust is very important in business. So, what makes investors, customers and users feel safe when working with PYLNT? And how will you get the trust of many users that have negative thoughts about Blockchain?
Markos Romanos: In few words, by demonstrating its value = adapting our tech to their needs and not expect them to adapt their needs to our tech.
Q30 From: @BboyForteVZLA
What are the differences between PYLNT and PYLNC?
Markos Romanos: See previous answers or have a look at our token paper:
Also for any questions you might have, join our Telegram channel and we can guide you more.
Q31 From: @user235711
Which other use cases besides the CSC use case will be addressed in the future?
Markos Romanos: We are constantly exploring and validating several other use cases. I cannot offer too much info on exactly what these use case are, but the Local Energy Communities are right now a changing force in all the markets in Europe and there is a lot of undiscovered territory (and room for creativity) in this space.
Q32 From: @user235711
When will mainnet be launched?
Markos Romanos: As per our roadmap, before the end of the year. Before it, we have an announcement of a new project, the update of our token paper and the whitelist for the first federated nodes of Pylon. More info can be found here.
Q33 From: @user235711
How much PYLNT for a node?
Markos Romanos: For a node 5000 PYLNT will be needed. However, we will offer the chance to get a 30% discount (3500 PYLNT for a node) via our Whitelist, which will be released before the Mainnet launch.
Guys and girls I think that I will have to take off at this point, duty calls.
I really wish I had more time to address all questions, but as I have said, please feel free to join our community and we can answer any question, with more time!
(You can join our community here)
Kien: You really did great Markos!
Markos Romanos: Thanks a lot for all your questions and for incredible hosting @extreme2322 and all of Blockchain Infinity Community.
It has been a blast!
Kien: My Pleasure.
Markos Romanos: Thanks again, have a great weekend.
Kien: Again, thank you for being with us here today we do hope for the success of Pylon Network.